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Fire Dept minutes 2/12/10
                                                 COLCHESTER HAYWARD FIRE DEPARTMENT
Friday February 12, 2010
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Standish, Lt. Don Lee, 2AC McKenna Capt. Papp, Capt Evans, Capt. Giudice, Capt Jones, R. Morris,, Steve Morris, R. Knowles
Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 19:00 hrs 
Approval of Minutes:  January 2010:  DC Standish, seconded by 2AC McKenna
Citizen’s Comments:  none
Budget Issues:   Chief Cox reported  current year budget still frozen, and 1st Selectman reported a projected lack of revenue from grand list growth-3% growth in our overall budget is projected.  Initial Fire Dept has submitted a budget w/ a 7.5% increase.  This is due to required Medical Exams – we have made positive movement in the program.  This program is fiscally responsible and it takes the well – being and safety of the members into consideration.  Another area of increase is the fuel / heating account. (town contract w/ price increases)
BOF meeting with CHFD March 8, 2010 at 730 pm.  All members are encouraged to attend (come and listen.  Capt. Jones requested the notice be posted in the radio room.
CIP projects listed are: vehicles, paving , oil-water separator, hydraulic tools, confined space breathing apparatus, boilers, modine heaters, carpet, and roof repair.
Career Staff/Personnel:  overnight shift has started:  DeAngelis & Fischer work 11:30 pm – 8:00 am M-F Molochnick & Kuchyt :  3:30 pm – 2:00 am Sa./Su.
Town policy re: town personnel performing duties as elected chief officers appointed by town. This is to be discussed at the BOS meeting 2/18, and voted on  3 4 with the appointment.  There will be an MOU signed re: the stipend vs. contractual duties.
On Jan. 24 the committees / members were appointed, but some had been left out:  Fire/EMS Lt’s/admin. – 3 candidates – S. Morris, M. O’Connor, S. Brown for fire Lt. positions.
EMS Administrator:  T. Reid, while actively qualifying on ambulance for future appointment as the LT of the ambulance.
K. McKenna motioned to appoint all, AC Wm Standish seconded. All for, 0 opposed– approved.
Don Lee discussed the new Progressive Discipline procedure being developed. History / intent – to have a fair, consistent policy of discipline.  The objective is to have a step process (verbal, written, suspension)
 D. Martin recommended a paper trail.  Officers need to know how to do this properly-training.. This document should be corrective not punitive.  The punishment must fit the infraction, and should be timely. On the form a space is provided for a second signature (officer) who should be present during review.  If person refuses to sign – the second officer can sign as a witness.  Chief requested a clear definition of “counseling” – define what offenses this will be used for.  NEED member training, officer development program.  Capt. Evans asked what process is in place if the disciplinary action is felt not to be warranted. There is directive #11 already in place to appeal.  It was recommended that this SOP be tabled until the details can be worked out w/ D. Martin.
New program “Streetwise Skills” will be introduced to officers.  Details to come soon.
Training:   2AC.McKenna:  Chief Kanterman presentation on 2/7/10. It was well received- they plan on bringing him back for officer training.  Working with John Knapp re: data entry for online system. Training committee met : new program of after accident critique for training credit. Want some cross over training qualifying for 5 hrs of training. 6 members are going to the training academy. Want training requirement published for 2010.  Medical Exams before training / becoming a new member, also the applicant review committee / safety officer must communicate.
D. Lee – proposed training modules be mandatory for all officers. NFFF-Courage to Be Safe/Everyone Goes Home.  Also possibility of Leadership Excellence program.
EMS:     Capt.Evans ambulance inspections OEMS scheduled for 2/23. – making sure equipment is up to standard.
Captain’s Reports:  Health & Safety – Rowland - :MEDICAL EXAM PROGRAM : we are developing a tiered system for interior  / exterior FF. HAZMAT – standard actions we need to take
Safety : K. McManus (R. Knowles for KM) – vests are mis-labeled – need incident safety boards, and CO meters should be standard equipment.
Fire 1 – Papp – met w/ LT’s for goals & objectives for the year/ qualifying drills, etc. w/ a 6 mth progress meeting. Would like to see night shift for same.
Fire 2 – Guidice – S. Brown was Stn LT , now Fire LT, but had been given 328. Can other people have 328?  Will draft a proposal.  ET 2 – jake brake is still  a problem. Steve will look at it this week.
Rescue – older pagers not being repaired anymore. 15-20 new members a year, but only budgeted for 6 / yr. Water Rescue stuff has been taken off the truck so it is not on truck if it is called out. Should be put back on.
Need confined space training – Tom Ashmore , and trench rescue
Fire Police Capt. Jones – recommends a letter of thank you to the towns that provided mutual aid for Gary Avery’s funeral. A letter will be drafted and sent to:  Salem Fire Dept, Gardner Lake Fire Department, E. Hampton Ambulance, Colchester PD – Sgt Thompson, and Parks & Rec.
2AC McKenna recommends: Chief Officers have to support all the SOPS and SOG’s regardless if the like or dislike them.
NFIRS – a non-NFIR report can be printed and attached to the run form.(in progress)
Chief Cox – requested all Captains provide an inventory of the gear they are responsible for . Chief wants all to work toward an effort of keeping track of equipment.
Chief Officer’s Reports It was mentioned that Gary Avery contributed 33 yrs of his life to the department and company, and will be missed.  Condolences go out to his family, and that of Ron Crabb (former BOF member).  All members who participated in Chief Avery’s wake and funeral did an outstanding job.
Presidents Report: Thanked all members who contributed to services for Chief Avery.  D. Martin reminded everyone of the award night coming up, and requested that all people mark Y or N on the invitation.
Adjourned at  20:45 hours.    2AC McKenna motioned,  DC Standish seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh
Admin. Asst.